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The Viking Islands in numbers


Area: 1000 km2, out of which 900 km2 is water

Islands: A little over 2000, out of which 18 are inhabited with 430 all-year-round residents. Here is a list of 15 inhabited villages ( some of them consist of several islands ):

Rosala 164 ( including villages Böle 25 and Stubbnäs 5 )

Kasnäs 77 ( including Kaxsjäla 14 )

Hitis 68

Högsåra 46

Vänö 20

Biskopsö 15

Vänoxa 13

Holma 9

Tunhamn 7

Bolax 6

Helsingholmen 4

Bengtskär 1

The most recent numbers are updated June 30th 2006. The development in the number of residents in 2 years time is Stubbnäs -6, Kasnäs +2, Hitis -6, Högsåra -3, Vänö +1 and Vänoxa +2.


The Viking Islands area is part of the municipality of Kimitoön / Kemiönsaari since January 1st 2009. It belonged to the municipality of Dragsfjärd from 1969 to 2008, and before that the area was an independent archipelago municipality called Hitis.


Village associations

De Ungas Vänner i Högsåra / Jenny Örnell-Backman

Finlands Röda Kors Hitis avdelning / Anita Österberg

Hembygdens vänner i Hitis / Sune Fromholz

Hitis Frivilliga brandkår / Tor-Björn Holmström, Peter Fihlman

Hitis Kyrkby Marthaförening / Ebba Ljungqvist

Hitis kyrkoby byaförening / Christer Gustafsson, 0400-539 739

Högsåra byalag / info@hogsara.eu

Högsåra Marthaförening / Gunilla Örnell

Kasnäs byalag rf /Anna-Lena Granlund-Blomfelt, 0400-744 462

Rosala byaråd / Bernt Örså, bernt.orsa@dragsfjard.fi

Rosala Frivilliga brandkår / Pontus Johansson, 0400 745 148

Rosala Marthaförening / Tina Örså, hitisls@netti.fi

Skärgårdens vänner i Rosala-Böle / Pontus Johansson, 0400 745 148

Vänö Vänner / fam. Hoffström, 02-4667 650


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